Saturday, May 14, 2011

New 3CE Project on-line

I am very excited to say, that one of my projects has just made it to the 3 customer events 2 hour workshops on the Kaszazz website. It is 2H888- All Boy aged copper 12 x 12" layout. And I have just realised that I already posted an image back late last year so will put a link here to that post! (If you click on the title of this post it will take you straight to the previous post with image!)
Thanks for looking. This will be my 4th project on the Kaszazz website now, so very excited!!!


Kelly G said...

Image! Image! Image! (Can you hear me yelling????)
Congratulations! What an honour! Bet you are soooo chuffed! Please post the image soon - otherwise you will force me to go on to the Kaszazz Website and search for myself which could potentially see me waste hours of time drooling over all the projects and not get either of the kids rooms done. LOL!

Tania B said...

He he!!! I'm trying, I have lost the image on my computer somewhere, will have to take another pic today!!!

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