Monday, March 17, 2014

Bragging rights!!

I am so happy when I see my name in lights/well in the Scrapbooking Mags. at least. I don't often share with friends, as I don't have alot of crafty friends, but thought I am pretty deserving of sharing on my own blog. I do have a PUBLISHED WORK tab at the top of my blog, but think it's easier to post here. In issue No. 101 of  SCRAPBOOK CREATIONS MAG. I was a finalist in the Design Diva comp. my layout is below!!!

The latest Scrapbooking Memories mag is out. You will find my PHOTOBOOTH FUN AT THE FETE, layout, in the final encore pages, right at the back.The gorgeous Lizzy Hill made the cover of this month's issue!

1 comment:

Lizzy Hill said...

Wow! I didn't know that about you being a finalist...[belated] congratulations....& [blush!] thanks for the shout out...I STILL get a thrill when I see that cover....& I spy you in the very LATEST mag, too!!! I always take note of your layouts:):) And you're right, we sorta forget to share this's NICE to see:):)

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